Monday, March 14, 2011

Brotherly Love

The other day Deakan was driving me nuts by putting his "woof" in my face and slinging it around at things so I finally had it and I grabbed the stuffed animal and I threw it across the room. Deakan fell to the floor in tears as I reprimanded him for swinging his woof at Mavers and I. Maverik was sitting on the couch with me reading books and when Deakan fell to the floor Maverik slid off the couch to comfort him. He patted his back and spoke a little gibrish but Deak just brushed him off. The next thing I know Maverik had gone into the other room and retrieved "woof." He brought it to Deakan and set it on his head and patted his back. I started to tear up. He is such a sweet little guy. He doesn't say many words but he knows exactly what is going on and he loves his big brother a ton.


  1. oh!!!! i just teared up a little too! that is SO sweet :)

  2. How very, very sweet! These tender little moments are one of the BEST rewards of motherhood! Thanks for keeping track of and sharing them!
